Wednesday, September 23, 2009

History of cricket


Give one word answers for the following questins:

Q1.When was the first leg before law published?
Q2.What is the length of the cricket pitch?
Q3.Name the Australian cricketer who tried to play with the aluminium ball.
Q4.Who wrote Tom Brown's School Days?
Q5.Name the black player who led the west Indies team for the first time.
Q6.Which Indain community found the Oriental Cricket Club?
Q7.Write the old name of ICC.
Q8.Who was the first test captain of India?
Q9.Where are the headquarters of ICC located?
Q10.When was the Marylebone Cricket Club formed?

Participate in the survey below:


Thursday, January 1, 2009


To help slow learners here are some proven ideas for educators

Have a quiet place to work where the child can be easily observed and motivated.

Keep the homework sessions short

Provide activity times before and during the homework

Add a variety of tasks to the learning even if it is not assigned such as painting a picture of a reading assignment.

Allow for success

Ask questions of the child while they are working about the assignment

Go over the homework before they go to bed and before they go to school

Teach them how to use a calendar to keep track of assignments

Read to the child

Use my “Three Transfer” form of learning in which the student must take information and do three things with it besides reading. For example, read it, explain it to someone else, draw a picture of it, and take notes on it.

Be patient but consistent.

Do not reward unfinished tasks

Challenge the child

Have the child do the assignments that are the most difficult first and leave the easier ones to later. Call it the dessert principle.

Don’t be overprotective. Students who have parents that frequently intercede in their child’s education are teaching that student that the parent does not respect their abilitites. If you do call a teacher make sure you are seeking a positive outcome. Remember that most teachers have dealt with numerous slow learners and have a vast amount of experience. However, sharing your child’s strengths and weaknesses could make the school year more beneficial for all concerned.

Contact the teacher if there is a concern. Calling an administrator solves nothing as the teacher is the sole legal judge of academic success.

Take you child to exciting places where they can see where academic success

is important. A trip to a local university or community college, a walking tour

of city hall, a visit to the fire station or a behind the scenes tour of a zoo are

highly motivating.

Examples of interventions for slow learners

Environment: Reduce distractions, change seating to promote attentiveness, have a peer student teacher, and allow more breaks.

Assignments: Shorter and with more variation, repeat work in various forms, have a contract, give more hands on work, have assignments copied by student, have students use three transfer method where they have to show the work three different ways.

Assessment: Shorter tests, oral testing, redoing tests, short feedback times, don’t make students compete

What to avoid: Cooperative learning that isolates the student and places him or her in a no win situation. Using a standardized test. Ignoring the problem.

What to encourage: Grouping with a patient partner. Learning about the child’s interests. Placing the student in charge. Mapping, graphic organizers, and hands-on work. Using Bloom’s taxonomy of tasks to make the assignments more appropriate.

Resources for slow learners

Reach Every Child Links

ESL and ELL Links

Help for Special Needs Students

Assessment Accomodations

Homework Help Sites

Motivating Students

Working with Parents

Writing IEPs

Strategies for Motivating Young Readers

Phonics sites

Teacher Liability Links


Above mentioned Valuable information taken from the site given below

Happy New Year

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. ~Hal Borland

Year 2009 should spread

non violence
clean environment

in the world

Wish you all a very happy 2009.

PLI Mysore

I was invited to attend Project based learning institute held at Mysore from 10thDec.'2008 to 13thDec'2008.It was organised by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan inassociation with Thinkquest.Around 130 teachers from different Kendriya Vidyalayas participated in workshop.Expert facilitators were invited from different parts of the world to teach more new aspects of the project based learning.

Our Mysore Team

Workshop for project based learning with thinkquest

Our school organised a workshop for the teachers of DAV on 7th and 8th Nov' association with the thinkquest.It was a great learning experience and inspired teachers to make the teaching learning process more interesting for the students and ofcourse for them.

Pictures of the workshop: